This documentary murder mystery examines the death of an Afghan taxi driver at Bagram Air Base from injuries inflicted by U.S. soldiers. It is also an unflinching look at the Bush administration's policy on torture.
The filmmaker behind "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room" takes us from a village in Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay to the halls of the White House itself as it exposes what America has become.
The trailer for this stunning film is posted below, and we would encourage you to watch this whole film when you can because it documents the horrific torture that America inflicts on the people that it holds prisoner.
It is a national disgrace what America is doing to prisoners.
America beats prisoners bloody.
America puts hoods on them and chains them up naked and lets the attack dogs at them.
America puts electrodes on the most sensitive parts of their bodies.
America injects them with all manner of poisons and mind-altering drugs.
America brings them to the edge of drowning during "waterboarding".
America even tortures children in front of their parents.
America needs to repent!
How can America call themselves the "good guys" anymore when they are doing these things?
Watch the trailer:
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