Moral Decline

Documenting The Moral Decline That Threatens To Destroy America

"I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It" - Now Our Female Pop Stars Sing About Kissing Women And Hoping Their Boyfriends Don't Find Out

*Warning* Please do not let anyone under 18 watch this video below.

I thought twice about posting it at all.

But I was truly stunned by what was in this video, and I thought that you all should see what is going on.

In the video, the female pop star sings about how she has a boyfriend, but she kissed a girl "just to try it".

Let's see.....half the country seems to be furious that a certain vice presidential candidate "believes the Bible", but nobody is protesting over videos like this. Does that seem right to you?:


Anonymous Thinker said...

I've been following you for some time now, because I too, am concerned by our rather obvious moral collapse.

I wanted to ask though, what is the cause of the video (in your opinion) and what should we do about it?

Sully said...

People are upset by a creationist VP because it affects her worldview - a stupid video can be ignored.

Anonymous said...

i believe in the Bible as the Word of God. however, often times politicians like to use the good book as a defense mechanism. Sarah Palin is one of them. she no good for America. please don't support this idiotic political whore. and McCain s no maverick. people, please, do your research. the Republican party loves to use Christianity as a tool to push their agenda. they're liars and evil. Christians need to be wise about what's going on in this world.

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