This article talked about women in their 20’s who have undergone an operation to prevent them from ever having children.
Sterilization has become a trendy thing for young women in many nations, and it is being promoted by the global elite as a means of population control.
In the article, a young woman named Chloe explains why she decided to have herself sterilized at the age of just 20 years old.
“By the time I was 18, I knew I was never going to change. I couldn’t imagine letting something take over my body and then my whole life.”
“I couldn’t even look at a baby without feeling uncomfortable.”
Following her sterilization procedure, Chloe says that now “I’ve got a lifetime of going out ahead of me now”.
Apparently that means that now she can go out to clubs, get drunk, do drugs, sleep around with lots of men and not worry about getting pregnant.
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