"We don’t want atheists to be left alone in their convictions over the holidays," stated Roy Speckhardt, the American Humanist Association’s executive director, who announced the new ad campaign at the National Press Club on Tuesday.
Speckhardt also add this: "Morality doesn’t come from religion. It’s a set of values based on empathy, fairness, and experience – and these all happen to be the essence of the humanist worldview."
This ad campaign is just another example of the recent trend for atheist and humanist groups to be more "in your face" with their message.
"We are trying to reach our audience, and sometimes in order to reach an audience, everybody has to hear you," explained Fred Edwords, another spokesman for the American Humanist Association. "Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of non-theists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."
But this idea is not exactly original.
Just last month, the British Humanist Association made worldwide headlines by announcing a similar campaign on London buses that proclaimed this message:
"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Just imagine the good that 40,000 could do if they just donated it to a charity.
In some ways, I think that this is great. It's time for humanists and atheists to get on with the discussion! I wonder how many of them are truly "afraid" to speak out, but if that is the case, let them speak! It's only through dialogue that perhaps they can be reached with truth.
Just imagine the good $40 million would do if the Mormons donated to a charity instead of banning gay marriage in a state they have little to do with....
About darn time. This is not the downfall of America. It's the beginning of the long overdue logical enlightenment of America.
This is more evidence of moral decay in our society. Morality begins and ends in our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of our immorality, God, being slow to anger, has two messages for us; "Call the people to return to me." Are we returning to Him? I see not, so His next message is; "Let them know that they are closer to judgment than they have ever been." Are we responding? Look at history and see what happened to those who did not respond. May our Lord and Savior have mercy upon us!
"Just imagine the good that 40,000 could do if they just donated it to a charity."
That's what I have been thinking for the last six months every time I went by the construction site of the new megachurch close to our office. Think about how much good you could have done with those millions! I wonder if that was what Jesus meant when he talked about taking care of the poor...
One by one the truth will se them free.
This is great news. It's about time those who don't believe feel comfortable in exercising their rights guaranteed by the first amendment.
Some might find it shocking that someone can claim to be moral without God. Others find it equally shocking that someone has to have God to know what morality is.
Is there any way to protest this peacefully?
And how is one to know what "good" is without first believing in God?
Simply by what society tells you? Seems pretty shallow to me.
Gearbox was close.... KNOWING the truth, will set one free. I personally have faith that my life is better, more productive, more.. MORAL..
with Gods direction and wisdom as written in His Bible. I tried life without him and He proved to me... that life more abundant is available through faith in Him.
"Why Believe in God?" My reasons for believing, trusting and following HIM could not fit on the side of a bus.
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