At one campaign event he actually said that if one of his daughters made a "mistake" that he did not want them "punished with a baby".
Not only that, but Obama actually fought AGAINST a law that would have provided medical care for babies who survived abortion and were born alive. Apparently Obama wants to throw them in the trash can and wait for them to die.
#2) Obama also exhibits his extreme duplicity on the issue of gay marriage. He claims to be against it, but Obama says that he is FOR "civil unions" which grant all the same rights and privileges as an actual marriage. Well, if you get all the same benefits from a "civil union", then how is that any different at all from a real marriage? The truth is that it isn't, and the truth is that Obama is a tireless promoter of the homosexual agenda.
#3) In 1999, Obama voted against a bill barring early release for criminal sex offenders.
#4) Obama voted against filtering pornography on school and library computers.
#5) Obama voted for sex education for children in KINDERGARTEN through the 5th grade.
#6) Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's pastor and mentor for nearly 20 years, and who married Obama and his wife, and who gave Obama the name for his book, is an anti-American lunatic who hates the United States:
#7) "Christian" Barack Obama actually carries a small idol of a Hindu god around with him for "good luck":
#8) "Christian" Barack Obama is going to accept a two foot tall gold plated idol of the Hindu god Hanuman from a group of prominent Hindus in India after it has been "sanctified" by Hindu priests:
#9) Barack Obama's cousin, Raila Odinga, is a communist Muslim who planned to implement Sharia Law in Kenya if he had won the election in Kenya. When Raila Odinga lost the election, his Islamic supporters went on a murderous rampage in Kenya that made world headlines:
#10) Barack Obama has declared to America: "We Are No Longer A Christian Nation"
#11) Barack Obama is openly breaking federal law regarding the Great Seal of the United States:
#12) "Anti-war" Obama actually wants to send 10,000 MORE troops to Afghanistan:
Additions to this list will come from the readers of this blog. What additions would you like to see? Obama's lack of experience? His complete incompetence when it comes to foreign policy? Feel free to post your suggestions in the comments section.
Posted below is a YouTube video that further examines why Obama SHOULD NOT be the next president of the United States:
I am all for the merging of church and state. Then we can get together and decide which denomination should be the official state church. Then we can decide which offenses against that church's doctrine we will allow the civil courts to enforce, and what the punishments will be. Then we can decide how we will control the content of prayers said by all denominations, with heavy emphasis on controlling the prayers of other religions and all denominations not the official state denomination. Then we can set up a government department responsible for maintaining and controlling of the doctrine of the state religion. This department would control, direct, and censor all prayers said by all government and state employees while in their official capacity (that is, on the job), during government-mandated prayer sessions.
Once we do this, then:
1. Immorality would disappear
2. The economy would improve and never go into recession or depression.
3. Disease would disappear
4. We would win all wars, because we would have God's approval
5. Antiquated. liberal ideas such as property, personal liberty, and due process of the law would drop off of our culture like diseased limbs, leaving our culture healthy and whole again.
I love this article. No other article has made me want to vote Obama then the whiny tone with which this one was written.
Obama doesn't even need to campaign as long as fly by night hate blogs keep popping up.
Fight the good fight!!!
Must say I agree with Hayes. Homosexual agenda for the win! :)
I agree with you. I think Obama is poison for this country.
first of all people make mistakes. granted using protection if you dont want a child is obviously the right thing to do... however, if something happens and the woman becomes pregnant why should she have to take care of it? its a big burden physically and emotionally...
and am i understanding correctly that you believe that criminal sex offenders should be released early? that has got to be the dumbest statement i have ever heard.
also kids are gonna watch pornography... its a naked woman... get over it
now i do in fact agree with you on the fact that his pastor is anti- america but to his defense its mostly media bull...
Why does it matter if he carries a small hindu idol with him... how does that affect his leadership and any damn way?????
Also who cares about the idol... how does that affect america??
I also agree with you about his cousin, but once again not only is the media making this alot more drastic than it really is... IT WAS HIS COUSIN WHO DID IT, NOT HIM. HE SHOULDNT BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT HIS FRIENDS/FAMILY DO!!!
Now the last two points i cant argue with you because once again alot of it is media...
now i must say i was pro-hilary at first but thanks to this article i am completely for Obaman... thankyou for making me realize that i was wrong
and by the way... this country idolizes mccain but the funny thing is that alot of his beliefs are really liberal, he had to change them in order to get to where he is now... =)
Ok you dumbass time to dispell your ignorance.
"people make mistakes." Yes they do, and then, they are punished. If you aren't intelligent enough to use a condom AND birth control, you shouldn't be in a position to reproduce anyway. (Abortion as a result of being raped is another issue entirely, and i must agree that under that circumstance the woman should absolutely not be punished).
Next, the issue of gay marriage is not and issue of attacking homosexuals way of life, it is an issue of the sanctity of marriage. Opponents argue that it would take away from the true meaning of marriage, which is a bond between a man and a woman. Personally, I am in limbo about this one because I'm not married, but I lean towards allowing it.
Next, you need to learn how to read. "Obama voted against a bill barring early release for criminal sex offenders." I'll simplify it for you. Someone in Congress (Probably a Republican) put forward a bill that would stop sex offenders from being released early. Obama voted against it. That means Obama wants criminal sex offenders to be eligible for early release/parole. So you're just wrong on that one, sorry.
Next, pornography. Clearly you don't have any kids. If you believe that pornography should be openly available to children, not only are you an idiot, but you are disturbed. I'm sure you are aware that pornography is not "pictures of naked women," it is highly inappropriate material for children.
Next, it is not a contradiction to say that sex education is unneccessary at the age of six. Sex education simply is not neccessary until SEX is an issue. When puberty is just around the corner, which I imagine it is for you, then sex education becomes not only reasonable but entirely neccessary.
Next, you are correct (finally!) in saying that Wright is anti-American. However, feel free to watch the unedited YouTube video of Wright on a tirade. It is not media bull. In fact, it was actually downplayed in the media because ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, and every other mainstream source besides Fox is backing Obama.
Next, I do agree that the Hindu idol thing is rediculous. Attacking Obama over a lucky statue is just absurd. Same with the gift he is being given. Accepting the gift does not mean he is converting, it simply means he's accepting a gift.
Next, (this one really does make you look like an idiot) you said "IT WAS HIS COUSIN WHO DID IT, NOT HIM. HE SHOULDNT BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT HIS FRIENDS/FAMILY DO!!!" If a man is not defined by his friends and family, then he is nothing. Obama believed in Rev. Wright's tirades because it helped him win votes in Chicago. Once he got on the big screen though, he threw him under the bus because he knew he couldn't be associated with him any more. He has not surrounded himself with fantastic people thus far, albeit he can't change who his family is. He can, however, strongly denounce them, which he didn't do.
Next, I'm sorry but we ARE a Christian nation. That does NOT mean that it is in any official way the religious affiliation of the US, but rather that Christians make up approximately 82% of US population.
(Also, apparently the only one getting their nuts chopped off is going to be Obama. Jesse Jackson is going to handle that because he thinks he "talks down to black people")
Next, I do have to agree with you on number 11. Also an unneccessary attack.
However, number 12 is entirely correct. During Obama's recent trip to the Middle East (during which he declined to meet with soldiers at Bagram airport and with injured soldiers in Germany) he announced that he would remove all troops from Iraq in 16 months, and would employ another "surge" in Afghanistan because "that is where the real threat is." If you're voting for him on an anti-war platfrom, I hate to disappoint but that simply is not true.
Next, you are correct that many of John McCain's policies are much more Liberal than those of Bush, but that fact is beneficial to him because it allows him to draw support from both sides and bring the parties closer together. His main problem is that many ignorant Democrats place him in the same category as Bush, when infact he disagrees on many of the same Bush policies that Obama disagrees with as well.
Finally, (this is out of order, I'm sure you noticed. Apologies.) if this article was enough to make you an Obama supporter, then you do not deserved the right to vote. I imagine you are one of the many young Americans in college who will be voting for Obama simply because he is "cool." YOU my friend are the reason this country is looked down upon in the world.
If you have anything to say, feel free to e-mail me at dusty.ellis@yahoo.com. I would love to once again correct your overwhelming stupidity.
I suppose you support McCain then. I'm sure some ignorant, blind Democrat could give a list like this. An open-minded, intellectual Republican could make a similar, but much less ignorant, list about McCain. Neither candidate is perfect, but neither candidate is nearly as bad as this list makes Obama sound. I'm a Christian, but I have to agree that America is not a Christian nation, and it shouldn't be. Jesus didn't want to be forced by law or peer pressure. Homosexuality isn't contagious, so I couldn't care less what they do. At least you bothered to learn that he is not really a Muslim, which wouldn't matter in the least, either.
One of the best reasons to vote for Obama: The author of this blog may explode.
You could sell tickets to the event for charity. Proceeds to the Cub Scouts.
This post just gave me all the more reasons to vote for Mr. Obama. I'll go through them in a list format that can be easily understood by people such as the poster of this blog:
#1) "Barack Obama has been an advocate of abortion throughout his political career."
"Obama actually fought AGAINST a law that would have provided medical care for babies who survived abortion and were born alive." - because this is a non-existent problem.
#2) Obama ...says that he is FOR "civil unions" which grant all the same rights and privileges as an actual marriage [to gay American citizens and residents]."
#3) "In 1999, Obama voted against a bill barring early release for criminal sex offenders." -because contrary to popular belief, the American justice system is not infallible and does make mistakes from time to time.
#4) "Obama voted against filtering pornography on school and library computers." - because internet filters are not infallible and do make mistakes from time to time, blocking important research sites.
#5) "Obama voted for sex education for children in KINDERGARTEN through the 5th grade." - because knowing the basics of sex from a very early age can prevent the topic from becoming taboo, and many parents are too uncomfortable to talk with their own children about how they came into being.
#6) "Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's pastor and mentor for nearly 20 years, and who married Obama and his wife, and who gave Obama the name for his book, is an anti-American lunatic who hates the United States" but I don't care, because he is not the man running for president.
#7) "Christian Barack Obama actually carries a small idol of a Hindu god around with him for 'good luck,'" - and I don't care because what people consider symbols of luck is none of my business.
#8) "Christian Barack Obama is going to accept a two foot tall gold plated idol of the Hindu god Hanuman from a group of prominent Hindus in India after it has been "sanctified" by Hindu priests," - and I don't care because what people receive as gifts is not my business. Also, in most circles it is considered quite rude to refuse a gift given in good faith.
#9) Barack Obama's cousin, Raila Odinga, is a communist Muslim who planned to implement Sharia Law in Kenya if he had won the election in Kenya," - but I don't care because a) Raila Odinga is NOT Mr. Obama's cousin, b) Odinga has not publicly said that he plans to implement Sharia law, and c) this has nothing to do with Mr. Obama except that his father is from the same country as Odinga.
#10) "Barack Obama has declared to America: 'We Are No Longer A Christian Nation'" - for which, as a non-Christian, I am grateful.
#11) The accusation that "Barack Obama is openly breaking federal law regarding the Great Seal of the United States" - which is untrue and slanderous - makes me sympathize with him all the more.
#12) "Anti-war Obama actually wants to send 10,000 MORE troops to Afghanistan" - so we can finish what we went there for and get out within a decade of occupation.
Thanks, Mr. or Mrs. Ignorant Blogger, for providing me with these reasons to vote for Barack Obama in November. And oh, I can think of so many more!
How many children were murdered in the Plague of the Firstborn?
"Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well."
Thanks, you just made me sure I'd totally vote for Obama. :)
Video of Obama leading the Pledge of Allegiance:
What a hate tank you are. And without sources! At least reference when you are trying to be convincing. Where can i read an unbiased description of the events of 3, 4, and 5 and not your skewed, shitty summaries. because, let's be honest: why should anyone trust your words? you call abortion the "vicious murder of 40 million babies."
hardly the words of someone who actually recognizes that this issue (like most!) is very complex. your dogmatic and air-tight mind treats these issues as having intrinsic conclusions when the very fact that they are contentious proves that there isn't an obvious and fundamental right or wrong!
i'm going to vote for obama - just like most of the country - and he's going to be president. whee!
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