You see, instead of imposing the swine flu vaccine on everyone from the national level (which would spark mass outrage and protests), the U.S. government and world health authorities are putting pressure on employers and schools to make it mandatory on a local level. The following are just a few examples of this phenomenon.....
*If you are in the U.S. military you already probably know this, but it will be mandatory for all active duty members of the U.S. military to take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. According to the DoD's own press release, the mandatory swine flu vaccination program will start around early October, and the swine flu vaccine will also be made available to all military family members who desire to get it, but fortunately it will not be made mandatory for them at this point.
*A new regulation took effect on August 13th that will require every single hospital and health care facility in the state of New York to provide evidence that all of their workers have taken the swine flu vaccine. Penalties for institutions that violate this new regulation include fines of up to two thousand dollars for the first offense and fines of up to five thousand dollars for subsequent offenses.
*The Hospital Corporation of America, also known as HCA, has announced that it is requiring approximately 120,000 employees in 163 hospitals, 112 outpatient clinics and other facilities in 20 states to take the seasonal flu vaccine, and is postponing a decision about whether or not to require the H1N1 swine flu vaccine until they receive more information about its availability.
*The chief of the Parkersburg, West Virginia fire department is very clear about plans to have all firefighters there required to take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine: "I'm looking into ways I can make it mandatory for them to receive the H1N1 vaccine."
*Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center has announced that they will require all faculty, staff, students, post-doctoral trainees and volunteers at the hospital to take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.
There are also a large number of people out there saying that their employers or schools are considering making the swine flu vaccine mandatory, but they have not made an official decision yet.
If you do have such a report, please let us know. We would like to publicize these serious violations of our rights as much as possible.
If you are being forced to take a swine flu vaccine to keep your job, now is the time to contact a lawyer. Normally we are not an advocate of being litigious, but the swine flu vaccine is a life and death matter, and so if you have been backed into a corner, now is the time to use an attorney.
If you just buckle under and take the swine flu vaccine and you end up seriously ill or permanently disabled (or worse), nobody is going to help you then and nobody is going to pay for it. It will be your responsibility alone.
Do not make your decision about the swine flu vaccine lightly. Do some research and listen to all sides and decide for yourself what you should do. The health of your family may depend on it.