There was a time in America when parents could let their kids play out in the streets without any supervision without having to worry at all. Those days are gone. Now you had better protect your family because America is now full of sickos, perverts and child molesters.
Just consider the following example from Corpus Christi, Texas.....
Corpus Christi Police Sargent Jason Lee
reported the other day that he "found a cat that has been severed in half and the 2 halves are separated about 15 feet apart here in the field it appears the entrails from the cat have been removed."
And this was not just an isolated incident.
Corpus Christi was plagued with quite a few cat mutilations back in August of 2008.
Who would run around severing cats in half and removing their entrails?
Someone who you would not want your kids to be around, that is who.
So who can be trusted?
Perhaps a judge?
Think again.
Former Mobile County Circuit Court Judge Herman Thomas was recently arrested and charged with
57 counts of kidnapping, sodomy, extortion and ethics violations.
The former judge is accused of sexually abusing inmates at Mobile Metro Jail.
The details of the allegations are extremely disturbing. Thomas is accused of paddling the bare butts of inmates, and of forcing a young man to perform oral sex on him.
Thomas has been released on a $250,000 bond, but he has been ordered by the court to have no contact with any males younger than 21.
So is there anyone we can trust and that would be safe for our children to be around?
How about the daughter of the Vice President of the United States?
the New York Post is reporting that there is a video of Joe Biden's daughter that is being shopped around to various media outlets that allegedly shows her snorting cocaine at a house party in Delaware last month.
Hopefully it is not true.
But even if it turns out not to be true about her, the reality is that
drug addiction is absolutely exploding in the United States.
Approximately 46 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 21 in the United States have used illegal drugs at least once.
That is a whole lot of young people.
Who is to say that it won't be your son or daughter who is the next one to get hooked on drugs?
The reality is that America may have been a "safe" place at one time, but those days are gone and they will not be coming back any time soon. When a nation rejects God, sickos and perverts flourish and morality starts to go down the toilet.
America has rejected God and the symptoms are showing all around us.

A government blueprint for a new primary curriculum in the U.K.
is so bizarre that it is hard to describe. Instead of learning about the Romans, Vikings, Tudors or World War II, elementary students will be force fed lessons on sex, drugs and Twitter.
This new blueprint was developed by former Ofsted chief Sir Jim Rose following a request from Children's Secretary Ed Balls.
The following are some of the lowlights from this plan for U.K. education reform.....
*Compulsory sex education will start when children are five years old.
*Nine year old children will be given drug and alcohol education.
*There will be less emphasis on history and instead students will learn about Twitter, Wikipedia and blogging.
*Sustainability and global warming will be key elements of the curriculum.
Sustainability and global warming?
That must be the fiction portion of the curriculum.
But the most disturbing part is the compulsory sex education for five year olds.
What possible justification is there for showing a five year old kid how to put a condom on a banana?
The reality is that the sooner you teach kids about sex, the sooner they are going to want to do it.
Five year old kids cannot handle sexual information.
America is rapidly swirling down the moral toilet, but it seems that the U.K. is determined to get to the bottom even before the U.S.
The truth is that both countries have completely rejected the ways of God, and things have gotten so bad that almost every day now we see new signs of moral decay in both nations.

As the United States increasingly rejects God, those who try to hold on to traditional Christian values are under attack like never before. The reality is that America is not a "free" nation any longer - especially for Bible believing Christians.
The latest example of this comes from North Carolina. Three homeschoolers in that state
have been ordered into public schools by a judge.
What was the rationale of that judge?
He claimed that the homeschooling the mother had provided over the last four years needed to be "challenged."
In other words, the judge believed that the children needed to be indoctrinated into the "American" system.
So were the children receiving a good education at home?
Yes, they were - they all have tested above their grade levels by as much as two years.
But that didn't matter to the judge.
Even while Christian values are being trampled on, the agenda of the radical left is marching forward across the United States.
For instance, same sex couples
will have all of the rights and benefits that that state of Washington offers to married couples under a new bill passed by the state Senate.
So if same sex couples get to enter into a government sanctioned relationship that has the exact same rights and privileges as marriage, how is that any different from being married?
It isn't.
The truth is that this bill legalizes gay marriage in the state of Washington - just under a different name.
So how did this happen to America?
Well, when we let televisions raise our children this is what happens.
A new study shows that
excessive television watching by teens leads to an increased chance of depression as adults.
And we certainly have a lot of depressed adults.
The vast majority of television programs have absolutely no mention of God - unless they are using His name as a cussword.
We allow our children to watch thousands of hours of "programming" that has no references to God at all, and then we wonder why our society is becoming godless?
The truth is that we have brought this upon ourselves.
America is falling, but you and your family still have time to repent and to turn back to God.
We are in the end times, but there is still time for people to turn to the Lord.

If you live in America today and you have a job and you don't need government assistance to survive then you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. A record
31.8 million Americans are now on food stamps as the number of poor Americans is shooting through the roof.
Americans are also losing their homes at alarming rates.
More than 11 percent of mortgages are delinquent or are in foreclosure, and it looks like the housing crisis is only going to get worse.
Things are so bad in fact that Deutsche Bank says that the U.S. economy
could contract by as much as 10 percent in the first quarter of 2009.
So are the banks safe? Well, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation says that it
may need to borrow as much as $500 billion from the Treasury Department. The truth is that is simply does not have enough cash to cover all the banks that are failing.
How in the world could this happen to America?
The United States of America was once the wealthiest, most prosperous nation on the entire earth. Americans lived in peace, almost everyone had a job, businesses were booming, the citizens were the healthiest in the world and almost everything America did turned to gold.
Those days are gone.
Instead of taking care of our national wealth, Americans spent it.
That wasn't enough for the new greedy generation of Americans, so they spent their children's money, and then they spent their grandchildren's money and then they spent their great grandchildren's money.
Now the United States is in the middle of a financial horror that is literally unprecedented in the history of the world.
As we posted on another blog the other day, the total liabilities of the United States government, including future social security and medicare payments that the U.S. government is already committed to pay out, now exceed
65 TRILLION dollars, which is more than the entire GDP of the whole world.
If you don't believe us, just read
the 2008 Financial Report of the United States Government.
It's an official U.S. government report.
And you know what?
That 65 trillion dollars does not even reflect any significant money from the monstrous financial bailouts that Congress has passed.
So things are going to get MUCH worse financially.
How in the world could the richest nation on the earth let this happen?
This is what happens when extreme greed and extreme gluttony overcome a nation.
For decades, we, along with many other financial experts and patriots have been screaming and yelling about all the debt that America was getting into.
But nobody listened.
We sowed into the wind and so now we will reap the whirlwind.
Because of the mountain of debt that the U.S. government, financial institutions and ordinary Americans have piled up, the financial system is beginning to fail.
13 banks have failed in 2009. All of the bailouts that Congress have been passing certainly don't seem to be helping much yet.
The truth is that all of this government spending that Congress is doing will help the economy in the short term, but it will make the long term problems of the U.S. government far worse because all of this spending is just increasing the debt.
So who is going to buy all of this new government debt?
China has serious doubts about who is going to buy all of America's new debt. The reality is that the only way that the government can "bailout" anyone or pay for any "stimulus" bill is to borrow.
So America borrows and borrows and borrows and borrows.
If your own personal finances were like that, how do you think it would end?
Times are going to get even harder my friends.
Already there are so many ordinary Americans that are in severe pain.
The U.S. economy
lost 598,000 jobs in January. Just think about that. Over half a million jobs GONE in one short month.
These job losses are hurting real people. Do you know people who have lost jobs? We do. We know parents that are trying desperately to support their children who have now lost their jobs.
When people lose their jobs they don't have money to spend at the stores and they can't pay their mortgages either.
Foreclosures in the United States
increased by 81 percent last year, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.
As more people lose their jobs, more people will lose their homes.
The truth is that there are more homes sitting empty in the United States today than there ever had been before.
Just think about that.
In fact, there are some areas of the United States that are in danger of becoming permanent disaster zones.
Did you know that some areas of New Orleans STILL have not been rebuilt after all this time?
In the "greatest country on earth" a situation like New Orleans can persist for YEARS and still the government does not fix the problem.
It is a national disgrace.
But New Orleans is not alone. There are a growing number of areas around the U.S. that have been hit by natural disasters or hard times and have just been left to rot away.
Just ask someone who has been to certain areas of Detroit. There are some places there that look like a war zone. People there are hurting bad.
Does anyone care?
All of this financial turmoil has also cause a sharp increase in the number of homeless.
It's not just people sleeping on street corners either.
Due to the huge number of foreclosures, tent "cities" have been popping up on the outskirts of major cities all over the nation.
The truth is that there are more people in the United States without a decent place to live than ever before.
And Americans are getting desperate.
Can you imagine getting down on your knees and begging for a job at the dump?
That actually happened recently in the Tampa Bay area.
136 people, most out of work, answered a recent employment ad
for a position at a landfill.
"At one point I actually had a line of people 10 feet out the door waiting to talk to me," Scott Hanus, an operations manager for Veolia Environmental Services
told the St. Petersburg Times.
In fact, he had 4 people actually get down on their knees and beg him for a job.
At the dump.
Did you hear about the approximately 1,000 people who applied for 50 low paying jobs at a new In-N-Out restaurant opening in Nevada?
This is
how the Las Vegas Sun described the scene:
Some wore ties. Some wore their pants too low. Some were balding. Some owed two months of mortgage payments. Some spoke openly of suicide. Some asked this reporter for a job. Some asked the manager at the hotel hosting the event for a job.For some Americans, desperation is giving way to hopelessness.
One out of work Arizona woman
described her increasing desperation this way: "When three months go by with only two job interviews, it's hard not to feel a certain amount of self-doubt and hopelessness."
All of this increasing desperation is putting a lot of stress on life in the home.
The Baltimore Sun is reporting on one woman in the Baltimore area is having a hard time hiding her desperation as her husband's business has almost completely failed. Her family's cars have been repossessed and their house is in danger of foreclosure. "We're behind on everything," she says.
She also tells of being afraid of her abusive husband: "He gets very frustrated, very, very angry."
The reality is that according the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half a million Americans, almost all of them women, are abused by their spouses every year. All of this economic stress is making things even worse experts say.
Some Americans have decided that the economy is never going to fully recover and so there is a renewed interest in
survival techniques. But is running off to the mountains really a long term solution?
The truth is that Americans have lived beyond their means for decades, and now America is full of people who think that life is over if all of their treasures are taken away.
But perhaps all of us would be better off if we took the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21 to heart.....
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."